What is DEVOPS?

DevOps - Development & Operations

DevOps is an enterprise software development phrase used to mean a type of agile relationship between development and IT operations. The goal of DevOps is to change and improve the relationship by advocating better communication and collaboration these two business units.
Jobs Roles & their Motto

In development, we have distinct roles like Developers, Software tester(QA), BA Developers & Architects. Their aim to develop all the latest and greatest feature in the software's, Rapidly or quickly.

In Operations we have roles like System Admins, Cloud Engineers, DB admins & Security professionals. here the aim is to keep the systems up and running all the time. systems on which the software is hosted like your website and databases hosted on some servers.

As you see both the parties have different aims and goals, One focuses on Quick changes and other focuses on stability. DevOps whole and sole objective are to deliver the latest and greatest features to the user with stability. its no more about just creating new feature its also about delivering those feature to the user otherwise what's the point of creating if we cannot deliver it on time.                               
